Foodie Q's
November 28, 2010
About a month ago I went to Leeds, and on the way home I was thinking about my New Year's Resolutions. I decided that in 2011 I would finally get round to sorting out my huge collection of food magazines. I wrote about this before but the situation hasn't improved in the interim.
Anyway, I decided that waiting until January to start was a ridiculous idea so I got cracking straight away. I catch the train to work two or three days a week, so I sorted a huge pile of them into date order, then took a relevant issue with me each day on the train. On my journey, I ripped out any recipes that I liked the look of, and when I got to work I recycled the rest of the magazine, whether I'd finished it or not. My train journey is only 15 minutes so it focusses the mind, shall we say!
I now have a huge pile of clippings and a slightly smaller pile of magazines. Although as Mattgreen points out, at least the clippings take less space.
Anyway, I was merrily ripping pages out the other day and I thought I'd have a go at answering some of the questions that Waitrose Food Illustrated ask celebrities on their back page. Without further ado:
What did you eat last night?
Roast chicken, roasted vegetables, chutney and a bread roll, followed by a glass of wine and some pretzels in front of the TV.
Which foods remind you of your childhood?
Calamansi soda. My mum's chocolate and nut lump cake. Wham! bars.
My dad used to bribe me to go and buy the Sunday Times for him by giving me an extra 10p for a Wham! bar. Thanks to that little habit, I have serious dental issues. Cheers Dad!
What's your most memorable meal?
When I was 19, I briefly dated a 40-year-old architect called Gerry who lived at Canary Wharf. I met him on the internet. It was probably hugely inappropriate, but I didn't care and neither did he. For my 2oth birthday, he took me to Quaglinos, which had been recently renovated by Sir Terence Conran and was BY FAR the poshest restaurant I'd ever stepped inside. I wore the fanciest clothes I had, which consisted of a Topshop dress and a feather boa (I kid you not)! That night he ordered a bottle of Sancerre, the first I'd ever tasted, and it's been my favourite ever since.
Have you ever eaten anything you hated, out of politeness?
Dry, fatty lamb chops at a relative's house. More recently, melon at a hotel breakfast. If I'd been with Mattgreen I would've spat it out, but as I was with a friend I choked it down. Vile.
What would your last meal be?
Cheese souffle from Le Gavroche as a starter. Lobster risotto as a main? Risotto is my favourite food, but somehow it doesn't seem dramatic enough for a last meal. I'm not sure about pudding either. I'd probably have crème brulée. I'd wash it all down with champagne, and have a glass of port or Amaretto to finish.