Christmas in April
April 17, 2011
Yesterday was my birthday. It was great.
I had coffee in bed and opened my presents. Virtually all my cards had shoes or cakes on them. Mattgreen managed to completely surprise me, which is always difficult because I'm so nosey, and got me an iPhone.
I've wanted an iPhone since the dawn of time, but as I'm on PAYG due to low usage, they are completely excessively expensive and the cost really can't be justified. So what Mattgreen did was buy two broken iPhones - one with a smashed screen but otherwise new and boxed, and the other water-damaged and unusable apart for the screen. Then he spent hours and hours watching YouTube videos of how to disassemble iPhones, got the electronics guy from work to help him, and somehow dismantled both of them and reassembled them into one lovely new totally functional and working iPhone. It is completely brilliant and I love it. I think I love it even more because of the monumental amount of effort that went into it. My husband is just the best.
After that we went and had breakfast at Cote. I had a mimosa and a pain aux raisins and eggs florentine and a double expresso. It was all fab, and the expression on Izzy's face as she consumed her French toast was one that will remain with me for a long time. She loves her food as much as I do!
Then we went home and had cake. I'd made myself a Simnel cake and bought something called an ice fountain instead of a candle. I had no idea what it did. It did this:

Cool, huh? After that I went to Zumba. Zumba is not usually held on a Saturday but they put it on specially at my gym as it was my birthday*. It was the best Zumba ever, with the best teacher who did all my favourite tracks and there was only 20 people in the class, which is unheard of. Afterwards I had a shower and then came home and we all went for a lovely walk with the dog. The sun shone, Ludo didn't savage anything for a change, and then we went to the pub and drank Italian lager and played Hunters and Gatherers. I won with a score over 150. I accused Mattgreen of having let me win but he assures me this was not the case.
Then we came home and had tuna empanada with a green avocado salad for dinner. Everyone helped with the cooking and it was so good, I gave it a 10. Matt gave it a 9, Izzy gave it a 9.5, making it possibly the best dinner ever. We had brandy snap baskets and stem ginger ice cream and melted Bourneville for pudding.
Then Isabel went to bed and Mattgreen and I opened the nicest bottle of rioja I brought back from Spain and sat in front of the telly and watched two awesome episodes of Firefly (Our Mrs Reynolds and Jaynestown).
Best. Birthday. Ever.
* this part may not be true
I had coffee in bed and opened my presents. Virtually all my cards had shoes or cakes on them. Mattgreen managed to completely surprise me, which is always difficult because I'm so nosey, and got me an iPhone.
I've wanted an iPhone since the dawn of time, but as I'm on PAYG due to low usage, they are completely excessively expensive and the cost really can't be justified. So what Mattgreen did was buy two broken iPhones - one with a smashed screen but otherwise new and boxed, and the other water-damaged and unusable apart for the screen. Then he spent hours and hours watching YouTube videos of how to disassemble iPhones, got the electronics guy from work to help him, and somehow dismantled both of them and reassembled them into one lovely new totally functional and working iPhone. It is completely brilliant and I love it. I think I love it even more because of the monumental amount of effort that went into it. My husband is just the best.
After that we went and had breakfast at Cote. I had a mimosa and a pain aux raisins and eggs florentine and a double expresso. It was all fab, and the expression on Izzy's face as she consumed her French toast was one that will remain with me for a long time. She loves her food as much as I do!
Then we went home and had cake. I'd made myself a Simnel cake and bought something called an ice fountain instead of a candle. I had no idea what it did. It did this:
Cool, huh? After that I went to Zumba. Zumba is not usually held on a Saturday but they put it on specially at my gym as it was my birthday*. It was the best Zumba ever, with the best teacher who did all my favourite tracks and there was only 20 people in the class, which is unheard of. Afterwards I had a shower and then came home and we all went for a lovely walk with the dog. The sun shone, Ludo didn't savage anything for a change, and then we went to the pub and drank Italian lager and played Hunters and Gatherers. I won with a score over 150. I accused Mattgreen of having let me win but he assures me this was not the case.
Then we came home and had tuna empanada with a green avocado salad for dinner. Everyone helped with the cooking and it was so good, I gave it a 10. Matt gave it a 9, Izzy gave it a 9.5, making it possibly the best dinner ever. We had brandy snap baskets and stem ginger ice cream and melted Bourneville for pudding.
Then Isabel went to bed and Mattgreen and I opened the nicest bottle of rioja I brought back from Spain and sat in front of the telly and watched two awesome episodes of Firefly (Our Mrs Reynolds and Jaynestown).
Best. Birthday. Ever.
* this part may not be true