It's over.

April 05, 2011

Mattgreen and I have unanimously decided: Never again!

Next time I fancy doing a crazy diet, I'm going to cut out just alcohol and sugar.

Basically I worked out fairly quickly that I could still eat meringue, ice cream, Haribo, Opal Fruits, Crème caramel and various other items that can hardly be considered health foods. Giving up wheat was pointless and painful, with no real benefit. Giving up meat is not difficult. Sugar is actually my nemesis.

The best part about it was giving up alcohol. It was hard, but not as hard as I imagined and my desire to drink has subsided massively. I also have a much lower alcohol tolerance and can really only manage a couple of glasses of wine. The diet ended on Friday but I was busy that evening and away at camp on Saturday so I didn't even have a drink until Sunday.

So that's it. In the end I lost 2 lbs. Roll on Madrid!

I lost about 7lbs. By April 5th I'm happy to report I'm working my ass off to redress the balance.
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