Stuff and things.

February 16, 2011

Sorry I haven't been posting that much. Now that 2010 is over and I no longer have to adhere to last year's new year's resolutions, I'm back to being insanely busy.

This afternoon, I need to prepare a presentation for work on Monday and take Izzy to swimming lessons and plan our menu for the week. Tonight I'm babysitting for a neighbour and going to the gym, tomorrow I am doing food shopping and cleaning and baking cakes and posting a parcel to my brother and his girlfriend who've just had a baby, and then it's parents evening, on Friday I'm doing a workshop at school and then we have visitors arriving, on Sunday the visitors go home and I go to the gym, on Monday a different visitor arrives and I am working full time for three days, and having a map-reading lesson at lunchtime, on Monday night I'm going to watch Mattgreen's new hobby, on Tuesday night I have 7 people coming round for a Cubs planning meeting which I need to prepare for and on Wednesday I'm doing an evening course after I get in from work.


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