Blast from the past
November 09, 2009
The other day I found some photos of the flat I lived in when Izzy was born. When I left hospital, cradling my precious baby, this was the house I came home to. I'd forgotten just how tiny and totally unsuitable for children it really was. This picture was taken pretty much exactly eight years ago:

(Click to enlarge the pic)
Look at my ancient little telly! I didn't even have a TV until just before Izzy was born - I think my parents gave me that. And that horrible little gas fire. And the wooden airer in the left foreground - every available surface in the flat was constantly covered in washing. We've still got that coffee table but now we have more than a foot of space surrounding it. At the back you can see two huge, ancient computers and great big clunky monitors. I look knackered.

(Click to enlarge the pic)
Look at my ancient little telly! I didn't even have a TV until just before Izzy was born - I think my parents gave me that. And that horrible little gas fire. And the wooden airer in the left foreground - every available surface in the flat was constantly covered in washing. We've still got that coffee table but now we have more than a foot of space surrounding it. At the back you can see two huge, ancient computers and great big clunky monitors. I look knackered.