Outstanding views

December 18, 2005

I went to a conference for work a few weeks ago, and I picked up some leaflets about accountancy software. As you do.

On the way back to the office, I was reading through the literature on the train and I came across one which had a nice shiny glossy brochure.

It had some blurb about the company, then it said:

Based in Lincoln and set in a relaxing, picturesque waterside location for all our staff and visitors to enjoy.

I was so gobsmacked by the photograph that I barely even noticed the appalling grammar.

When they said 'picturesque waterside location', I was expecting a flowing river, perhaps a beautiful lake. It seems that what they actually have is a concrete pond in a car park. Niiiiiice.

That is a triumph of marketing, that is! Its like saying on your CV @I've had experience in management' when all you;ve done is babysat your younger sister 10 years ago.
PS I hear you;re making The Wedding Cake - good luck and well done :-) I just know it will be gorgeous and Michelle is bound to be less annoying than I was!
sorry about the terrible use of punctuation... i'm writing this at work and my boss keeps coming in!
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