disgusting scientific discoveries

February 17, 2005

ok, so maybe i am showing how stupid i am, but check this out:

from my science course textbook:

"You too are part of the global carbon cycle. Chemically you are a very different person now than you were, say, ten years ago. Most of the carbon atoms that were in your body then are now somewhere else in the global carbon cycle - perhaps the deep ocean, or a rain forest, or a coral reef, or an insect or another person."

i am horrified. that's disgusting. part of ME could be a moth, or a daddy-long-legs, or a filthy swamp or even a LIVE ACTION ROLEPLAYER!!!! i feel sick now.

also from my textbook:

"The unit of angle is the degree of arc, usually just called the degree, symbol °. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the degree Celcius, which, as you know, is a measure of temperature."

so basically, when you say, "oh my god it was boiling on holiday, it reached 40° in the shade," and when you say, "that's a 90° angle," that those two degrees aren't the same thing! i swear to god i never realised that ever before. that is quite bizarre. why would you use the same name and the same symbol for two TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS? scientists are fucked in the head sometimes.

and one more filthy thing:

did you know that water is made up of molecules, which are about about the size of a raindrop split in half about 63 times? well, it is. i'm cool with that, but the part i don't like is that each of those molecules is actually MOVING. it's bouncing around in there against all the other molecules, almost like a FILTHY INFESTING ORGANISM ACTUALLY IN YOUR DRINK. and these filthy infesting organisms (called particles) are everywhere, in water and in wine and in shampoo and in the air and all over the floor and everywhere you look and INSIDE you and everything. oh god, i feel sick again.

science. it's not for the weak.

> am horrified. that's disgusting. part of ME could be a moth, or a daddy-long-legs, or a filthy swamp or even a LIVE ACTION ROLEPLAYER!!!!

What's worse is that it could be the other way round too. You could have old daddy long legs carbon atoms on your tongue RIGHT NOW!!

> why would you use the same name and the same symbol for two TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS?

Perhaps they thought that they are sufficiently different that you wouldn't get them confused. For example:

"Ouch the corner of that table is 90 degrees, which is really hot!"
U going to go all Howard Hughes now!
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